Mable Hill Life Coach

What Guides You?

Life's JourneyHave You Been Down These Roads?

If you read my articles and feel like you've "Been there, done that", or "Was there, and didn't know it", then you're invited to share a comment.

Together, we could help others who need a little encouragement or enlightenment as they navigate the paths along life's Journey.

house hanging on the edge
A Good Church Lady knows that fear is a sin. Jesus never said, “Try not to be afraid.” He said, “Do
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A LIE IS A FABRICATION of the truth, but the lies I believe are valid. To me.    It is
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Gaming Machine
I HAVE MADE A LOT  of deals in my life, but I have found none better than the one offered
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farm at sunset
DURING THE EARLY YEARS of my life on a farm, I learned from my mother that there would be no
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