Mable Hill Life Coach
What Guides You?
Life's JourneyHave You Been Down These Roads?
If you read my articles and feel like you've "Been there, done that", or "Was there, and didn't know it", then you're invited to share a comment.
Together, we could help others who need a little encouragement or enlightenment as they navigate the paths along life's Journey.

I LIVED MOST OF MY life feeling like a fraud. For example, it happened when I was told I was smart,
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I THOUGHT I HAD A GOOD childhood until I got into therapy during my thirties to try to figure out
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I OFFICIALLY BECAME A Christian at about ten years old. At the time, the only words I heard were about
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I DO NOT TRUST JESUS. I should be able to trust him, but I don’t. It sounds incredulous when I
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IT WAS A TYPICAL Monday in November as I recall. The details are a blur because it was an ordinary
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TEACHING THE QUESTION "WHY" to my clients has been the source of my income and business success for many years.
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“THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ME" is my personal book of truth. I haven’t written the book, but it lives in
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FOR EIGHTEEN YEARS I had a testimony that proved people change because I did after meeting Jesus and becoming a follower
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THERE HAVE BEEN MANY times in my life when I needed more than God. At least that’s what I thought.
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I THINK I'VE STUMBLED on one of the best reasons to have God on your radar on this side of
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I RAN INTO AN OLD nemesis a few weeks ago through a dear friend. I didn’t recognize her at first
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IF ANYONE TELLS YOU that God will never give you more than you can handle, kindly suggest they read their Bible
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